Milk Receivers & Milk Pumps – Two types of receivers are available, vertical & horizontal. Horizontal models are more commonly used, with sight glasses each end & come complete with a sanitary trap. Designed with Vertical Side Milk Entry, the milk inlet is connected vertically along the side of receiver, allowing milk to enter & flow along the curve of the receiver avoiding splashing & foaming. Electric Centrifugal Milk Pumps with steel impellors are fitted as standard. Where a plate cooler is being used, a Variable Speed Drive Milk Pump may be fitted, to reduce the speed of the pump when milk levels are low in the receiver, to slow down milk flow through the plate cooler, optimising the effectiveness of a plate cooler & effectively reducing milk cooling costs. An Air Purge System is normally fitted to blow any milk left in milk line after milking into the tank before washing & to blow any water out of the milk line after washing before milking. All Welded Stainless-Steel Milk & Wash Lines are custom built without connectors where possible, to reduce potential dirt traps & increase cleanliness.

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